Fire Island Wind Farm

Fire Island, Alaska


Name of Project
Fire Island Wind Farm

Location of Project
Fire Island, Alaska

Tetra Tech

Fire Island Wind, a division of CIRI, developed a wind farm on Fire Island to capture renewable energy resources.

Unique Challenges
Island logistics created unique challenges for the team with considerable elements such as the tides, barging, and beach landings. The size and height of the generators required use of our 660 T Liebherr crawler, an extremely large crane, making its transport highly complex.

Fire Island Wind, contracted under Tetra Tech in 2012, consisted of STG performing skilled crane work using five STG owned cranes in unison, to erect 11 turbines. This project highlights STG’s capability of installing a commercial size utility that totals 17.6 megawatts, which generates enough capacity to power approximately 7,000 homes.

Having this size crane locally reduced costs for the client and created a more efficient logistics process.




Name of Project
Fire Island Wind Farm

Location of Project
Fire Island, Alaska

Tetra Tech

Fire Island Wind, a division of CIRI, developed a wind farm on Fire Island to capture renewable energy resources to serve the railbelt region.

Unique Challenges
Island logistics created unique challenges for the team with considerable elements such as the tides, barging, and beach landings. The size and height of the generators required use of our 660 T Liebherr crawler, an extremely large crane, making its transport highly complex.

Fire Island Wind, contracted under Tetra Tech in 2012, consisted of STG performing skilled crane work using five STG owned cranes in unison, to erect 11 turbines. This project highlights STG’s capability of installing a commercial size utility that totals 17.6 megawatts, which generates enough capacity to power approximately 6,500 homes in Southcentral Alaska.

Having this size crane locally reduced costs for the client and created a more efficient logistics process.